Monday, May 16, 2016

Eat butter 1 per day helps prevent excess fat and cholesterol

American researchers claim that eating a buttery apple a day can help improve cholesterol levels bad cholesterol. They added that the regular consumption of fruits this kind can help transform unhealthy fats in the diet to a reduced fat The risk of heart disease.

Small-scale experiments on human fat and 45 healthy people aged between 21 to 70 years found that fat, bad cholesterol (LDL) in their blood vessels was reduced to $ 13. 5 mg / dL after eating buttery shell grit. Compared with no consumption decrease of about 10 percent.

Through the American Heart Association, Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton study leader, said: 'In America butter does not become food Common known yet. Moreover, it is expensive, especially in the less rich. Most people do not know how to put butter in the daily diet like that. However, besides eating the whole there are several methods that can be recycled from the needs and preferences.

Separately, a study of neutron found that butter can against drug-resistant antibiotics antibiotics. Antioxidant compounds that can inhibit bacterial yellow staphylococci to destroy the effectiveness of antibiotics antibiotics ( antibiotics). These bacteria are causing the infection in wounds resulting from surgery. It can produce immunity in humans quickly.

Dr. Jes Gitz Holler from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, who led the research, said: 'I've found stuff naturally in fruit butter. There are activities for treatment. This natural compounds have the greatest growth potential, and perhaps for a longer term, we will be able to form an effective pharmaceutical to anti-bacterial staphylococci. When there are no such products on the market yet.

Staphylococci or Staphylococcus bacteria that yellow is the most common cause of ulcers, infections that occur after surgery . Bacteria can also cause a variety of diseases of the injury and poisoning. Moreover, these diseases can cause death - such as inflammation of the inner membrane of the heart (endocarditis) and disease viruses spread in the blood (Septicemia).