Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Eating an apple in a day to help heart health

According to Dr. Adam Briggs members of the research team, said that the phrase is a slogan that always recite memorized that was eating apples 1 apple a day away from the doctor. This phrase is simply want to show some small changes effective diet. These diets and medicines are actually able to make a real change in the prevention of heart disease and stroke.

The researchers, from Oxford University, UK, claims that eating apples 1 apple a day can help individuals aged 50 years to escape the attack and that it can be effective as cholesterol-lowering medications cholesterol .

He added that while doctors now no one was prescribed to eat an apple instead of cholesterol-lowering drugs, but we We can all get equal health benefits by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

According to the researchers America, confirmed that eating apples can help improve cholesterol levels cholesterol and weight. The study, published last year, argued that women who ate dried apples 75 grams per day for 6 months found that the level of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) fell by almost 1/4. Share the good cholesterol that help protect blood vessels (HDL cholesterol) was about 4 percent. But the level of the other components that make heart disease and stroke, also fell by the same amount as well .

For fresh apples to get the above benefits, the researchers confirmed that they should be eating fruit 4 1 day.

Dr. Bahram Arjimandi from Florida State University, USA, said he did not expect that eating apples can help lower cholesterol this kind of bad cholesterol, and the results do not believe. Speaking at a conference in Washington Arjimandi doctors confirmed that everyone can benefit from eating fruit apple.